Thursday, December 1, 2016

Ferragamo Cuore

Cuore (corazón en italiano) es el nombre del reloj mas romántico de Salvatore Ferragamo. Y para presentar esta magnifica colección, la marca italiana nos llevó hasta NY para ser parte de un incríeble evento en el rooftop de un exclusivo hotel en la gran manzana. 

Cuore (heart in Italian) is the name of the most romantic timepiece by Salvatore Ferragamo. And to present this magnificent collection, the Italian brand took us to NY to be part of an incredible event on the rooftop of an exclusive hotel in the Big Apple.

Cuore Timepiece in Silver and Black. 

Mientras disfrutabamos del coctel con el iconico Empire State de fondo, pudimos conocer mas acerca de la inspiración y los detalles que hacen de esta colección algo tan especial. 

No me cabe ni la menor duda de que Ferragamo tiene como misión ganarse el corazón de muchas mujeres alrededor del mundo con estas piezas. Ya que ademas de tener las manecillas dentro de un precioso círculo de diamantes, la característica mas distintiva de este reloj es la esfera en forma corazón que late una vez por segundo creando un movimiento similar al del corazón del ser humano. 

Así o mas romantico?

En lo personal pienso que ademas de ser un reloj muy clásico y elegante, considero que puede ser el regalo perfecto para esa persona especial... en cualquier ocasión. No creen? 

Muchas gracias a Ferragamo Timepieces y a todo el equipo por hacerme parte de esta noche y dejarme ser la invitada especial de la marca. Un placer!




While enjoying the cocktail party with the iconic Empire State in the background, we were able to learn more about the inspiration and details behind this special collection.

 With Paolo Marai,  President and CEO of the Timex Group Luxury Division

I have no doubt that Ferragamo's mission is to win the hearts of many women around the world with these pieces. 

This timepiece is considered to be unique for it's particular features including a carefully designed heart within the watche's face that pumps along every second, resembling the movement of a real heart. 

I believe that this timepiece demonstrates elegancy and classiness within its design, this is the reason why it would be that perfect gift for that special person...

My most grateful remarks to Ferragamo Timepieces team and the whole group of designers behind the brand for making me part of such a beautiful evening as their special guest for the launch. Such a pleasure!

Xx ,




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  127. दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल के घर पर हाल ही में भ्रष्टाचार निरोधक ब्यूरो (ACB) ने छापेमारी की, जो कि दिल्ली के उपराज्यपाल (LG) के आदेश के बाद हुई। यह कार्रवाई एलजी के निर्देशों के बाद की गई, जिसमें केजरीवाल के खिलाफ भ्रष्टाचार के आरोपों की जांच की जा रही थी। LG के आदेश के बाद अरविंद केजरीवाल के घर पहुंची ACB.

  128. Lewd Exposure,The purposeful public showing of intimate bodily parts with the intention of offending or arousing is referred to as lewd exposure, or indecent exposure. Usually a misdemeanor, this act can become a felony if it is committed repeatedly or if there are aggravating circumstances, including being around children. A person's record and reputation are severely impacted by convictions for lewd exposure, which frequently result in fines, jail time, and possible registration as a sex offender.

  129. Magh Purnima Snan 2025 will be observed on February 12, 2025, marking the auspicious full moon day in the Hindu month of Magh. This sacred bath, or Snan, holds immense spiritual significance, especially at holy rivers like the Ganges, Yamuna, and Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj.
